Published: December 31, 2021Updated: January 30, 2025
Women's Ministry Breakfast ~ May 4,2024
Women's Ministry Day~ May 14, 2023
Prayer Walk in the Park
MISSION: To reach every woman with the love and power of Jesus Christ through ministry and through individual relationships.
Values & Objectives: Develop ministries to and through women
Equip women for Christian service
Elevate women as persons of worth
Build divine networks of unity among women
Challenge women to live consecrated lives in Christ
The Women's Ministries Department ministers to the spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs of women around the world. It encourages women to improve their potential and participation in the mission of the church. It provides a support system for hurting women, and a forum to address topics and issues as they affect women in and out of the church. It promotes programs to mentor young women and encourages young women academically through a scholarship program.
This ministry is designed to encourage women to grow in their faith in Christ, to develop and strengthen intimate friendships with other women and to provide opportunities to serve and reach our community for Christ.